Improve the Efficiency of your Customs Operation
When you trade internationally and deal with Customs Authorities worldwide, you must make sure that all your systems, procedures and processes related to customs activities are compliant. Customs rules and regulations constantly change. The market in which you continuously operate changes, and your operation constantly evolves. With so many changing factors, there is always a risk that your customs processes are no longer on par with the latest situation.

The Importance of Origin From a Customs Perspective
The label says Made in China, so determining the origin for customs purposes is easy, right? Wrong! Determining the origin of your goods is much more complicated than you might think. It is also essential, as the origin of your goods can affect the duty amount you have to pay or even whether you are allowed to export or import your goods.

Quick Scan: Improve the Efficiency of Your Customs Operation
When you trade internationally and deal with Customs Authorities worldwide, you must make sure that all your systems, procedures and processes related to customs activities are compliant. Customs rules and regulations constantly change. The market in which you continuously operate changes, and your operation constantly evolves. With so many changing factors, there is always a risk that your customs processes are no longer on par with the latest situation.

Five Checkpoints of Great Customs Consultancy
Entrusting a customs consultant with your supply chain can be daunting. The customs landscape is ever-changing, and you are at risk of audits, delays, and lost business if you do not have your procedures in check. Therefore, regular customs consultancy is key to maintaining your business. However, what do you look for when choosing a company for such an important task?